A Deep-Dive into
the Positive Identity Model
The Positive Identity Model (PIM) brings together the most important aspects of identity which relates to individual growth and development within the discipline of positive psychology. It is based on the 'Tree of Life', a coaching model by Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener (2010) and the 'Berliner Entwicklungsmodel' by Dr. Christin Çelebi and Dr. Judith Mangelsdorf (2020).
But the Positive Identity Model is more than just a theoretical framework; it's a living symbol for life itself. Just like a tree, life is a cycle of growth, change, and renewal. Each part of this tree—from its nourishing soil to its flourishing branches—contributes to your overall well-being.
As you gain awareness of these concepts and implement them in your life, you'll be going from merely existing in this life to creating your hero identity for a life of genuine fulfillment.
Hi, there! ଲ(ⓛ ω ⓛ)ଲ Are you also taking Positive Identity Classes? Then we are fellow students here at Senshi Hero.
I am CATMAN. Nice to meet you! (/ =ω=)/
My heroic transformation journey started when I fell deep after climbing high on the career ladder. Depression, chronic ear ringing, no more will to actually live life, but no energy to do something about it as well.
Slowly, veeery slowly I looked into myself, especially those uncomfortable and confronting places I ignored for decades... and I allowed healing and acceptance which created hope and transformation into a new me. Allowed actually means worked for it. Like you are here for, right? Let's do the work to become who we need to be to get what we want from life! (TヮT) 。゚
3 Stages to internalize Your Skill
Being aware of your resources is not enough - you have to radically and unapologetically use them!
When I was physically at my lowest, I quit my job: a well-paid leadership position. I could not bear the thought to meet my employees or superiors and be bombarded by their nosy questions. My resourceful solution: social support. I called my ex-colleague and friend to come to my office on a Sunday, we packed my things and left without turning back.
3 Stages to internalize Your Skill
Oooooi!!! Nice to meet you! o(≧▽≦)o
I’m the Senshi Hero TAIGA. Catman is my partner!
I never cared about knowing my values until my romantic and my professional life started falling apart. I was an unfulfilled zombie, dragging myself to work every day, delivering poor results and spending passionless time with my partner, literally going through the motions at work and at home (╥﹏╥).
After a few years of indecisive suffering, I knew I had to make a choice. Security, trusted safety, financial stability, social norms, the known world... or risky choices, self-actualization, creative freedom, loneliness, uncertainty and the unknown. 〣( ºΔº )〣
I was too scared to just quit, so I went to a coach for support. She helped me gain clarity about what I wanted my life to be about. I took the plunge and quit my job and ended my romantic relationship of 9 years. (⊙_⊙)
3 Stages to internalize Your Skill
In my first character strength assessment, honesty/ authenticity was one of my lesser strengths. Whut?! Σ(°ロ°) I always assumed being true to myself was very important to me - as well as dressing the way I want!
Spending so much time at the office, I often got the eye rolls and judgy looks from my colleagues when I said what was on my mind (“expecting overtime in every project = bad project management from the higher-ups”) or when my idea of business outfits included ribbons or neon colours. Being honest and looking unconventional was not appreciated, especially when you’re not in a leadership position but just a lowly worker. So I decided to just keep quiet, put on headphones to not hear what’s going on in the office and work through my tasks. m(_ _)m
I was not living out my authenticity, it was in total underuse, which is why it was a lesser strength in the test. At the same time, the character strength self-regulation was in super overuse. I forced myself to control my emotions and thoughts and just perform as much as was needed and expected. Discipline and perseverance were some of my strengths but I mistreated them to build a wall around myself. I desperately explained my psychotherapist that I was like a robot and didn't feel anything. I didn't have any opinions when she asked me how I was doing or what I wanted to do on the weekend. (/。\)
After many years, I finally gave myself permission to leave the restrictive environments I had chosen for myself (my job and my relationship), and I slowly started to become the person I wanted to be again. (/// ̄  ̄///)
3 Stages to internalize Your Skill
Believe it or not, for a long time in my life, I thought my purpose was to become a successful leader and make lots of money. Isn't that what society teaches us? 〜(><)〜 But what I lacked was the meaning behind the money: a shiny car, women and juicy steaks? This is it...?
Then my health showed me I was on the wrong path... (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Nowadays I can see that this was my painful awakening. A necessary signal for my personal revolution. I wish it were possible without and sometimes it's hard to be grateful for my past. But every hero has some kind of origin story, right? What's yours?
3 Stages to internalize Your Skill
I was born with the umbilical cord around my neck. No first scream, no celebration—just silence. I lost consciousness before I even had a chance to live. They had to pull me back. My first breath was a fight for survival.
For a long time, I saw this as proof that I wasn’t meant to be here. My mother even said it in a weak moment of hers. And I believed it. (。╯︵╰。)
But now? I see it differently.
I wasn’t supposed to die. I was supposed to fight and become a warrior. And I did. I chose to be alive. That’s why I don’t waste my time sleepwalking through life. Every moment matters, so I strive to be mindful as oten as possible. Every goodbye could be the last, so I strive to be generous with my love and energy. Death isn’t something to fear—it’s a reminder to live fully, right now. ╰(▔∀▔)╯
So ask yourself: If today was your last day, would you be proud of how you lived?
3 Stages to internalize Your Skill
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Hey, here are Marty & Chriz! \( ° ∀ ° ) ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ We're on a mission to bring the power of positive psychology to the otaku world. We've poured our hearts and research into creating the Senshi Skill Tree, all to help you cultivate your Heroic Identity and achieve authentic well-being.
We're sharing it all for free because we believe in the transformative power of this work - if YOU do the work. (ಠ‿ಠ)
If you've found value in what we offer and want to contribute, here's your chance. Your support fuels the Senshi Hero movement and helps create new free resources for our awesome community.
Thank you for being part of this quest! ╰(◕‿◕)つ──☆*:・゚✺◟( • ω • )◞✺